Mediation Preparation Forms

Forms To Complete NO LATER THAN The Day BEFORE The First Mediation Session

EACH Spouse MUST complete their own Asset & Debt form (I strongly recommend that you use the user-friendly **Recommended Method** below) (you may choose to complete one combined Asset & Debt form together - but please indicate that in the Note section on the form).   ***THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL COURT FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT. RATHER IT IS JUST USED BY MR. EPSTEIN DURING THE MEDIATION TO GUIDE THE DISCUSSION AND NEGOTIATION***

**If you need to download the Free version of Adobe Reader to view or enter any information on the .pdf forms below, please Click This Link.

If either of you would like to view financial statements or records, feel free to ask your spouse to share it with you. In mediation, this is a voluntary request (however, once you do file the Court’s paperwork, you will likely be required to also complete and file a sworn financial affidavit so the more information is shared before the mediation, the easier the process generally will be). Here is a link to an article I wrote about how Voluntary Financial Disclosure works in mediation vs in litigation.  I also created a free Durational Alimony calculator - which can be used by you as a general guide amount alimony duration and amounts.  Please be sure to read the disclaimer on the calculator page.  The disclaimer and calculator are be found by clicking the applicable button below. 

Some couples choose to have each spouse order a copy of their current credit report (you can generally obtain a free copy each year from Free Credit Report) and exchange it, along with the completed documents mentioned above, with one another before our first mediation session. This is only an option for you both.

If either of you is thinking about requesting alimony, I suggest that you think about preparing a projected monthly budget of income and expenses to see you net surplus or deficit (sample monthly budget .pdf forms are found below after all of the other forms). That is often a good place to begin the discussions. This type of budget is also a good place for the other spouse (paying spouse) to prepare as well. In July 2023, Florida substantially overhauled its alimony laws. Here is a link to a blog post I wrote about the alimony, mediation, and the recent changes.

Mediation Topics To Review Before The 1st Session

Click on the link to download a Topics.pdf document which will list all of the topics I will cover with you in the mediation session(s). 

Also, please begin to think generally about how you would want those topics resolved. Do not send me answers to any of the topics – the agenda is just being provided to give you an expectation of issues we will discuss during the mediation.

Asset & Debt Online Fillable JotForm - *Preferred Method*

Click on the button to complete a simple online form regarding your Assets & Debts. (REQUIRED Form To Be Completed By Each Spouse). After completing, forward a copy of the .pdf you will receive by email to your spouse for their review.

**This online fillable Jotform is easy to complete on any computer, tablet, or mobile device. It will automatically create a .pdf of your answers after you submit the form**


Click on the button to view a free sample durational alimony calculator. Be sure to read and understand the Disclaimer about the calculator and its values and information. After completing, you can choose to forward a copy of the results you will receive by email to your spouse for their review.

Below Are .PDF Versions of the Monthly Budget Form.  

The Budget Form is OPTIONAL and provided as a courtesy to help you with monthly planning and/or to prepare for a discussion of alimony (if applicable).

Sample Budget Form - Option 1 (Fillable - but no auto calculations)

Click on the link to download the Budget_Monthly.pdf document which you may use to help create a monthly budget for yourself. It is designed to be based upon income and expenses AS IF you were divorced. Please save the .pdf to your computer and then open it and fill-it-in to the best of your ability.
After completing, forward a copy of the .pdf you will receive by email to your spouse for their review.

**This version is a simple fillable form that should work on all computers and tablets**

Sample Budget Form - Option 2 (Fillable - with auto calculations)

Click on the link to download the Budget_Monthly_Calculations.pdf document which you may use to help create a monthly budget for yourself. It is designed to be based upon income and expenses AS IF you were divorced. Please save the .pdf to your computer and then open it and fill-it-in to the best of your ability.

After completing, forward a copy of the .pdf you will receive by email to your spouse for their review.

**This version has automatic calculations that is easier to complete - but it may not work well unless the .pdf is opened and filled using Adobe Reader (free version)**


 ***only use the FOLLOWING .pdf forms if you're having trouble with the online JOTformS***.

Below Are .PDF Versions of the Preferred Asset & Debt Form.  I highly suggest and recommend that you use the above RECOMMENDED METHOD to enter your Assets & Debts.  

Asset & Debt Form - REQUIRED From Each Spouse (v1)

Click on the link to download the Asset-Debt-1.pdf document regarding your assets and debts. Please save the .pdf to your computer and then open it and fill-it-in to the best of your ability.

**This version (v1) has automatic formatting and checkboxes that is easier to complete - but it may not work well unless the .pdf is opened and filled using Adobe Reader (free version)**

Once completed, please make sure to save and then email it to me: Please ‘cc’ your spouse on all emails to me so that they can review it before the mediation session

Asset & Debt Form - REQUIRED From Each Spouse (v2)

Click on the link to download the Asset-Debt-2.pdf document regarding your assets and debts. Please save the .pdf to your computer and then open it and fill-it-in to the best of your ability.

**This version (v2) is a simple fillable form that should work on all computers and tablets**

Once completed, please make sure to save and then email it to me: Please ‘cc’ your spouse on all emails to me so that they can review it before the mediation session

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