Confused? Full of Questions?
Don't Know Where To Start?
Eric Has All The Answers About the PeacefulSplit® Divorce Mediation Process And Is Ready To Help You Now.
You're the type who loves to take risks! That's great for adventures.
Is it really worth it for divorce and children?
Eric Helps Couples Like You Avoid The Stress, Anxiety, and Expenses Typically Associated With Traditional Divorce
Often times when a spouse first contacts me, they have heard horror stories about divorce and how one spouse felt like they were taken advantage of during the process. They fear not knowing if they can participate in mediation without being represented by a lawyer. They fear settling for less than they think they deserve.
Litigation has some benefits, such as maybe being the "winner" in the divorce battle. It also has many risks, such as maybe being the "loser" in the divorce battle.
Are you really the type that would prefer rolling the dice and gambling about topics such as the division of assets and debts? Your future? Your rights to spend time with and make informed decision about your kids?
Litigation Is Likely Better For You
"Winner" or "Loser"
Are You Willing To Consider Mediation?
Fair & Equitable Settlement
Unpredictable Outcomes
Predictable Outcomes
Excessive Legal Fees
Filled With Stress & Anxiety
Affordable $2,500 Flat-Rate Fee
Relaxed and Calm Experience
Are you open to exploring mediation? You have NOTHING TO LOSE. Worst case is that you don't settle and can always go to Court and litigate. There's NO RISK in trying a PeacefulsSplit® Mediation.
Eric is passionate, dedicated, and focused about helping couples
ANYWHERE in Florida (by video conference) & LOCALLY in Boca Raton
No Guessing
Flat-Rate Fee
Spouses Make All Of The Decisions
Collaborative Process
Less Stress & Worry
Children's Needs 1st
Customized Plans
It's a No-Brainer!
PeacefulSplit® Divorce Mediation with Attorney, Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Eric B. Epstein is a Peaceful Process focusing on the needs of each spouse and the best interest of the children. Eric personally conducts every mediation in a sensitive and private environment.
Eric Has All The Answers About the PeacefulSplit® Divorce Mediation Process And Is Ready To Help You Now.