Free Divorce Mediator Comparison Checklist

Choosing the right mediator to help you and your spouse resolve your divorce issues in a competent, helpful, peaceful, and skilled manner is complicated. Not sure where to start? Confused as to what makes a great mediator? Credentials? Skills? Availability? Education? Background? The list of important issues to review is extensive.

Download for free Eric's Mediator Comparison Checklist and use it to compare Eric's background, skills, and services to other mediators.

In the end, you both need to feel confident that Eric is the right mediator for you.

Eric believes that an educated and well-informed client is important.  This checklist helps provide some key issues of importance for you to think about as you make this important decision.

Confused? Full of Questions?

Don't Know Where To Start?

Eric Has All The Answers About the PeacefulSplit® Divorce Mediation Process And Is Ready To Help You Now.