It is vital to ensure that the children are not suffering silently due to depression or ‘out of the blue’ atypical behavior. Therefore it is recommended to stay on top of these unforeseen changes and ask questions to the adults they are surrounded by at school, coaches, and teachers. Similarly if there are any confused signals the child is receiving when in the home, it is crucial to remember to try to co-parent as best as possible. Each parent may contribute to his or her child’s outlook but a solution of remaining civil and keeping good communication should counteract this rocky relationship.
As a parent who shares custody and has a working parenting plan, it is important to monitor your own behavior around your child. Your actions and words have a great impact on how your child perceives the world around them and what they are going through. A child may be feeling unsettled during this scary time and may act out as a result. What helps a child to come to terms with this is to be able to approach him or her calmly and ask if there is anything you can do to make your child feel more loved and secure and that both his parents are there for him/her. Being able to have consistent boundaries and rules established in both homes will safeguard the way a child relates to his environment. It may take a child some time to self-regulate emotionally, but over time they come around. Children are resilient and are able to bounce back at times. For other children they are slower at finding themselves through the chaos and may need outside help. Either way it is best to reach out to a counselor, therapists, and other mental health professional that are trained and knowledgeable regarding ways to help a child who is suffering from behavioral issues. Sometimes, a child may feel more comfortable when opening up about their feelings to a trusted individual who is not as closely involved with what is happening. Allowing a mental health professional to step in can only further help with modeling a desirable outcome you as the parent hope to obtain long term.
Parents are faced with challenges when their family has become divided. Children are dragged trough these hardships regardless of the aftermath. When going through mediation or divorce, it is extremely important to make sure children are being monitored for behavioral concerns. Focus on being patient when approaching children about their feelings, and ensure that each parent continues to be an integral part of their life no matter what feelings the parents have towards one another.