Divorce Is Hard on Everyone - Especially Children
Parents choose to divorce - children have no choice. Therefore, it is very important to always keep the focus on your children's best interest. When parents focus on what is best for them, what they want, or getting revenge/being spiteful, rather than on the best interest of their children, it can often cause more trauma and challenges for their children experiencing the divorce of their parents.
In divorce mediation, parents need to resolve the living arrangements and time-sharing for the children. When one parent moves out of the family's home, leaving their kids behind can be very difficult. The parent may want the children to live with them because they will miss them and can’t bear being separated. Unfortunately, when a marriage is over there is no way that both parents can continue to see their children 100% of the time. Although I fully understand how difficult the decisions about your children after the divorce will be, these are a few ways to make sure you are keeping your children’s best interest in mind when going through mediation.