Mediation Can Be Successful Even If The Goal of Resolving All Issues Doesn't Happen.
One of the biggest concerns and questions spouses have about divorce mediation is whether it could or will be a waste of time if they don't resolve every issue. It's certainly a fair and legitimate question to ask. My response to couples is simple and straightforward: you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving it a try.
There are many issues to resolve and negotiate during a PeacefulSplit® Divorce Mediation. It's common for spouses to worry that they may not agree on all issues and mediation will be a waste of time.
In this article, Eric explains why that's not true. Mediation almost always results in a final settlement of all issues. Even when that does not happen, the spouses can still benefit from the settlement agreement resolving all the other issues, and limit a court's involvement to the one issues that was not able to be settled during mediation. Therefore, mediation is an option that almost every divorcing couple should avail themselves with the hope (and expectation) of resolving all issues in their divorce.